It’s important for drivers to recognize when they need to have their vehicles serviced. Car overheating, without a doubt, warrants a trip to the auto repair shop, or you risk damaging your vehicle to the point of no return. If a vehicle’s radiator goes bad, then it could have an impact on the entire car, for if an engine isn’t able to stay cool, it can lead to other problems, including transmission failure. Read on for more information about what to do if your car is:
- Overheating
- How to identify a radiator leak
- Getting a radiator repair
Looking Out for Radiator Leaks to Prevent Car Overheating
When the temperature gauge on your dashboard reads high, or a temperature warning light comes on, you have a cooling system problem that may be caused by a radiator leak. Some radiator leaks are easy to spot, i.e. a hole from road debris, but others not so much, as in the case of a pinhole-size leak. And because leaks can occur in many different parts of the radiator and can be difficult to find, we don’t recommend trying to repair a radiator leak on your own. The proper functioning of your cooling system is vital for your car, and it’s easy to miss the root cause of a leak. Rather, keep an eye out for puddles near your vehicle that could indicate a radiator leak, and if you see anything, fill up your coolant (with the correct coolant), and get to an auto repair shop as soon as possible.
Don’t Ignore Signs of Your Car Overheating
One of the most common reasons car overheating occurs is a radiator leak caused by a crack. If you find green liquid under your vehicle, then you need to have your radiator inspected to identify the area where the radiator leak is present. Take your car to an auto repair shop, and a mechanic can perform a pressure test to determine the source of the leak, and—if the radiator leak isn’t too big—it’s possible to do a radiator repair and patch or replace the broken part. A radiator hose can also be the source of a radiator leak. To keep your radiator (and your car) running smoothly, it is important to replace radiator hoses on a regular basis.
Have a Problem with Your Car Overheating? We Have the Answer!
While some of the tips we have listed for you may assist in cooling down your engine, they are only temporary fixes. It is crucial to get the problem fixed as fast as possible to avoid further damage of your vehicle. We will happily inspect your vehicle for radiator problems and get to the root of your overheating problems. It is much more affordable and less complicated to fix the problem with your radiator than it is to repair your transmission or engine. So give us a call immediately if you’re experiencing anything related to radiator leaks or engine overheating and we will fix it!